9 Marvelous Theme Bars and Restaurants on earth

The bathroom-themed Modern Toilet restaurant chain, Taiwan The hospital-themed Clinic Bar, Clarke Quay, Singapore, designed by the Dutch Concrete Architects The Red Sea Star, an underwater restaurant, bar and observatory in Israel, 5 meters below sea level Two Alien-like H.R. Giger bars, based on H. R. Giger's designs, in Chur and in Château St. Germain, Gruyéres, Switzerland Do you want a 7.8 earthquake while having your meal or drink? Visit the Disaster Café in Lloret de Mar, Spain Donny Dirk's Zombie Den, inspired by Shaun of the Dead, Minneapolis, Minnesota The haunted prison-themed The Lockup in Tokyo, Japan The...

Cool Superhero Beards

 Creative beards groomed to look like famous logos of different superheroe...

8 Insane Giant Vegetables From Around The World


7 Most odd Religious custom

Baptizing a Person on Behalf of One Who is Dead Rolling Over Leftovers of Food Partaken by Brahmins Throwing Babies from a Dargah Tower for Good Luck Body Piercing by Sharp Hooks Dissecting The Deceased's Body and Scattering the Pieces on a Mountaintop Being Possessed and Convulsing (Haiti) Wearing No Clothes and Using a Peacock Feather Duster...

9 Oldest Amazing Things Ever Found

5,500-year-oldest leather shoe was found exceptionally well preserved—thanks to a surfeit of sheep dung—during a 2010 dig in an Armenian cave. In 2006  Iranian archaeologists in "Burnt City" announced the unprecedented discovery of an 4,800 years Oldest Artificial eyeball,in this historic site. Oldest Skirt (5,900 years old) In 2012 American and Peruvian researchers found 6,700 years old Oldest Popcorn  The oldest Purse 4500 year old ever found it seems to be very fashionable at the time. Archaeologist who uncovered more than a hundred dog teeth arranged close together, the teeth were likely decorated for the outer...

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