Hippo attacked the crocodile


Amazing Scotland's Garden of Cosmic Speculation


15 Unusual and Creative Cakes Art

Angry Birds CakeiPad CakePlants vs. Zombies CakeXbox 360 CakeLEGO Indiana Jones/Star Wars CakeImpressionist CakeFast Food CakeSuper Mario CakeMillennium Falcon CakeMs Pac-Man CakeBoombox CakeLeonardo CakeFlintstones CakeHarry Potter C...

The World's Largest and Steepest Roller Coaster in Japan

If you plan to travel to Japan soon and you’re not among the faint of heart, you might want to visit the Fuji-Q Highland, an amusement park that just added a very special new attraction: the world’s steepest roller coaster. The so-called Takabisha accelerates to 100 km/h, has a 43m drop and a 121-degree freefall.The Japanese roller coaster beat the former record holder, the Le Timber Drop in France, which measures “just” 113.1 degrees.Fuji Q Highland invested $37 million in the development of the Takabisha. One ride takes 112 seconds and costs $12....

Awesome Dinosaur Park in Poland

For many years Poland lacked a good theme park, now dinosaur parks are everywhere. The country’s first park devoted to dinosaurs opened in 2004 at Baltow in the Kamienna river valley. Apart from dozens of natural size figures of dinosaurs and other extinct animals, the park offers a fossil museum and a children’s playgrou...

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