The girl with two heads or these girl have one body two head

Abigail "Abby" Loraine Hensel and Brittany "Britty" Lee Hensel (born 7 March 1990, Carver County, Minnesota, United States), are dicephalic conjoined twins.They have two spines which join at the pelvis. They have two stomachs, four lungs (two partially conjoined pairs), and two arms. (A third, underdeveloped and unusable arm between their heads was amputated in infan...

Incredible Death of Violent Insects

Death is often the domain of terror, darkness and torment but as these images would suggest there is also a surreal beauty captured, even for a split second, when the end finally comes. It takes a patient and talented photographer to capture images such as these.Look on while a Robber Fly literally sucks the life out of an unsuspecting beetle, a damselfly feasts on one of its own and a young frog is striped to the bone by an army of spiders, never to be a prince.“When death comes, it is often in glorious Technicolor, even though the insect itself will not see it in quite the way we do.” – RJ Ev...

Incredible Rolling Bridge in London

The Rolling Bridge, located on the Paddington Basin in London, was created by Thomas Heatherwick. It is twelve meters long and opens every Friday at noon. Rather than a conventional opening bridge mechanism, consisting of a single rigid element that lifts to let boats pass, the Rolling Bridge gets out of the way by curling up until its two ends tou...

World's Dangerous Animals

The animal kingdom spans across many different creatures but these animals are the ones you don't want to stumble across in the wild!BearThere are only eight living species of bear and are found in the continents of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. However, the polar, black and grizzly varities are deadliest. Bears will trample, maul and generally savage their prey. It is also not uncommon for a bear to stalk its prey before attacking it. Although bears have a fearsome reputation, statistically you are more likely to survive a bear attack than being a meal. It is estimated 5-10 fatalities are from bear attacks.SnakeThough there...

10 Most Alien-like Insects on Earth

A common mistake when searching for alien life forms is to look up into the sky for something big. But alien life is right here, at our feet, in our backyards. Millions of tiny but frightening aliens, many just a few millimetres long. We've convinced the most cheerful of the lot to give us a tour…"Hi, I'm Danny and I'll be your host. Buzz along…"This alien poses as a damselfly of the Zygoptera suborder. People often fail to notice that they hold their wings differently when at rest and are also smaller than dragonflies. Oh, and did you notice, their eyes are separated. Though running might be better than waiting to see the blue in their eyes…"Give...

Amazing Creative Alphabets


Tibetan Dogs (Do they look like Tigers ? )


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