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World Tallest SnowMan

The town of Bethel, Maine, has beaten a nine-year record for the world's largest snowman - or more specifically - snow person.The previous record was held by .... the town of Bethel Maine.The 122ft and one inch creation, with eyelashes made from skis and painted red tyres for her lips, has been named after the state's senior Senator Olympia Snowe.In a novel effort to recycle Christmas trees, the snowwoman's arms are two entire pine trees and she wears a six-foot snowflake pendant and a giant red hat.She takes the crown of tallest snowperson from the previous incumbent, Angus, King of the mountain who brought the record to the US from Jap...

Top 25 Dirtiest Cities in the world

No. 1: Baku, Azerbaijan Mercer Health and Sanitation Index Score: 27.6 Surrounded by Iran, Georgia, Russia and Armenia on the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan has long been an oil hub. As a consequence, Baku, the capital, suffers from life-threatening levels of air pollution emitted from oil drilling and shipping. No. 2: Dhaka, Bangladesh Mercer Health and Sanitation Index Score: 29.6 Located in southern Asia, between Burma and India, Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh battles with the constant threat of water pollution. Surface water is often thick with disease and pollutants from the use of commercial pesticides. With an estimated 150 million...

Real or Fake?

With the aid of computers, many pictures can be edited to make you think they are real........ these are some of the REAL and FAKE picturesThis gives a nice heads up on what is real out there and what is not.Spiders Found in Iraq DesertRealTsunami Strikes Phuket, Thailand Fake Air Force Jets in U.S.A. FormationFake World's Biggest DogFakeHighest Bridge in the WorldReal Fishermen with Giant Catfish Real Cloud Formation Resembles 'Hands of God'Fake Albino FawnReal A Snake, FishingReal Giant Skeleton Found in Middle EastFake Giant Texas Gator Real Dog Meets PorcupineRealPres. Bush Fishing in HurricaneFake North Pole SunsetFakeGiant...

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