
How to Make a beautiful Planet Terror Style Poster tips in Photoshop

Step 1

Create a new document in photoshop. For the sake of this tutorial, I will be using an 8×10 inch file at 72dpi. Feel free to adjust this to your liking.
Step 2

The first thing I want to do is find an image for the main portion of the poster and start editing it. I am using the following image:

Student Witch – 5 by *mjranum-stock – Be sure to read his terms on using his images.
Step 3

Re-size the image so that there will be room for the header and footer text.
Step 4

In this step we are going to do several things so that the image has the overall look we need for the poster.

First we will adjust the images levels. Image>Adjustments>Levels

Now we are going to add a slight surface blur to help achieve the vintage print feel. This filter will barely be noticeable. Filters>Blur>Surface Filter
We need to get rid of the color in this image so that it will match the style of the poster. To do this, we will add a simple color overlay to the image layer. Click on the image layer>the right click on the layer>select Layer Properties>Color Overlay
This is getting closer, but we still need to loose some color. Lets add a photo filter. Image>Adjustments>PhotoFilter
Click on the color block and change the color to #8a5902 and the Density to 87%

Lastly we will apply a Cross Hatch filter. Filters>Brush Strokes>Cross Hatch
Stroke Length: 4
Sharpness: 3
Strength: 1

Step 5

Now we will put the finishing touches on this image so we can start working on the rest of the poster.

We need to get rid of all the background to this picture. Rather than cut it out with the pen tool, I want to erase around it with a soft eraser. By doing this, you will get an ever so slight glow around the subject that will add a nice touch later on in this tutorial.

After you have erased the background, set the layer fill to 80%. You should have something that looks similar to this:
Step 6

Now we will add the background. I am using this: Text. Paper frame 2 by ~GeneralVyse

Create one layer of this image so that it covers the entire area of our canvas
Create a second layer of the same image with a small portion of the white border showing.
Step 7

Use the Magic Wand Tool to select the white border on our most recent layer. Once you have it selected, delete it
Step 8

Using the layer we just masked, add a color overlay to it.
Click on the image layer>the right click on the layer>select Layer Properties>Color Overlay
Change the color to #863838
Step 9

The Planet Terror poster looks as though it has been folded up. So, we need to do the same. I will be using this stock image by scol22.

Download the image and then do a simple Copy of it.

In the layers pane, Control click on the layer we just turned red to Mask it.

Go to Edit>Paste Into

Re-size and rotate the image to fit inside the mask.

In the Layers pane, change the blend mode to Multiply.
Step 10

Draw a black box near the bottom of the poster. Once you have got it to the right size and shape; in the Layers pane, right click on the black box layer and click Rasterize.

You will notice that some of the back is running over onto our border. Here is how we can fix that; while you have the black box layer selected in the Layers pane, Control click on the layer we made red.

Then right click in side the mask and select Inverse. Now hit delete and the excess black should be trimmed away.
Step 11

Type the title of your movie on top of the black box, but under your folded paper layer.
Next, in the Layers pane, right click on the movie title layer and click Rasterize Type.

With the Move Tool, click on your movie title so that the Transform Box Show up.
Hold Down the Control key and click on the bottom right corner of the Transform box.
By clicking and dragging, you can distort the text so that it has the angled effect that we see on the Planet Terror poster.
Repeat the above steps for the left side of the text as well.
Step 12

Start adding the random text to your movie poster how ever you see fit. I will be using the Planet Terror for reference.
Step 13

To finish off the poster, we need to use some Photoshop Brushes to rough up the poster.

Make sure that you create a new layer for every few brush strokes so that if you dont like some of them, you can delete the layer.

Do not make brush strokes on any of the image layers.

Create a new layer. Next; in the layers pane, Control click on the main red layer we created in step 7. This will mask your new layers so that your brush strokes will only show up on the poster.

There is no easy way to explain how to do this, you just have to play with it. Here is my finished result.

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